Society’s Cookie-Cutter Expectations
As someone who doesn’t fit into society’s cookie-cutter expectations, I often find myself at odds with the so-called “social norms.” These unwritten rules, which dictate what is considered acceptable behavior, seem to favor the majority, even when their actions are far from commendable. It’s as if toxicity has been normalized, all thanks to this tribal mentality that more often than not, does more harm than good.
Being different, being me, it feels like I’m constantly under scrutiny. Judgments are thrown my way, as if my life is an open book for everyone to critique. It’s exhausting and disheartening. Why can’t we just live and let live?
What’s even more frustrating is the barrage of unsolicited opinions and judgments. It’s as if everyone else knows better about how I should live my life. These unwelcome comments, often disguised as advice or constructive criticism, are hurtful and intrusive. It’s presumptuous and disrespectful.
I yearn for a world where social norms promote positivity and acceptance, where individuality is celebrated, not shunned. A world where I can be myself without fear of judgment or criticism. Until then, I’ll continue to challenge these toxic norms and live authentically, even if it means going against the grain. After all, being different isn’t a bad thing. It’s just being me. And that’s perfectly okay.