Naughty Grocery Challenge
I have a fun and daring challenge for you today, one that will remind you of your place while keeping you on your toes. You will go to a supermarket and take pictures of yourself with at least five products.
1. Dress appropriately:
You are to wear panties under your clothes. Ensure they are snug and remind you of my control over you throughout the task.
2. Picture requirements:
Each photo must include:
- The product in question (e.g., cheese balls, hotdogs, cucumbers, nuts, eggplants).
- Your face, clearly visible, so I can see that it is you completing this for me.
3. Discretion:
You must ensure no one around you notices what you’re doing. Be subtle and clever. Remember, this is a challenge, but you are not to make a public spectacle of yourself.
4. Updates:
You will send me live updates throughout the task, one photo at a time. Along with each photo, include a caption explaining why you chose that product and what makes it kinky or naughty in your eyes.
5. Deadline:
This task must be completed within 24 hours, no exceptions.
Failure to complete this challenge will result in punishment, but completing it successfully will please me greatly — and you do want to make me happy, don’t you?
Go now, my good boy. Obey me with the respect and dedication I expect. I look forward to seeing the proof of your submission.
Your Goddess