Being a Professional Dominatrix is a Difficult Balancing Act
Finding your true calling is incredibly rewarding, but it comes with its own challenges. As a professional dominatrix, I’ve experienced the joy of personal fulfillment and the pain of family disapproval. This is my story of trying to balance these two worlds.
I’ve always been smart and ambitious. I graduated from the best university in my country, and my family was proud of my achievements. They had high hopes for my career, expecting me to get a “decent” job that fit societal norms.
But those conventional roles never felt right. When I discovered the world of professional domination, something clicked. Being a dominatrix lets me be confident, assertive, and creative in ways no other job ever has. I’m great at it, and most importantly, I love it. It’s not just a job; it’s a part of who I am.
However, my family doesn’t see it that way. My relationship with them has always been complicated, and my career choice has made things even more strained. My mom especially wishes I would find a more “respectable” job. The fear of being completely disowned by them is always in the back of my mind, making it hard to fully embrace my role as a Domme.
A big part of this strain comes from my relationship with my dad. He always pressured and bullied me into being perfect and meeting his standards. I probably have some daddy issues because of it, constantly feeling like I have to prove myself and live up to his expectations. This pressure makes it even harder to step into a role that defies everything he wanted for me.
I feel like I’m living in two worlds. In one, I am true to myself and genuinely happy. In the other, I’m trying to fit into the mold my family has set for me, just to keep their acceptance. It’s a tough balancing act, and the pressure to conform is overwhelming at times.
But giving up being a dominatrix feels like betraying who I really am. This job isn’t just something I do; it’s a core part of my identity. Despite the stigma and the risk of losing my family’s approval, I know that my happiness and fulfillment come from embracing my true self.
Adding a bit of humor to the situation, my dad’s sister once referred to my job to her husband as me “teaching foreigners.” I find that hilarious. In a way, I suppose I am teaching people, just not in the way she imagines!
I’m on a journey to find a way to honor both my passion and my family ties, even though it often feels like an impossible task. Sharing my story is my way of shedding light on the challenges of living authentically in the face of societal and family expectations. I hope it can inspire others to pursue their true passions, no matter the obstacles they face.
Living authentically isn’t easy, but it’s worth it. My story is one of resilience, self-discovery, and the courage to be myself, even when it’s hard.