BDSM | Humiliation
Humiliation is prevalent in BDSM. It is acts or statements intended to embarrass or shame the submissive partner. This can manifest in verbal and physical forms. Verbal humiliation is usually using degrading language or assigning embarrassing tasks. Physical humiliation may involve donning humiliating attire or exposure in public settings.
Degradation is a more intense form of humiliation. It aims to reduce the submissive partner to a subhuman status. This includes treating them as animals, making them eat from a pet dish, or watersports.
I value open communication and the establishment of clear boundaries with my submissives. We will discuss our comfort levels, preferred activities, and limits. Safe words are mandatory.
Here are examples of humorous and humiliating tasks:
Dress in a funny costume and parade in front of the camera while receiving instructions
Compose a heartfelt love letter expressing your fantasies then read it aloud
Sing a song while adorned in a funny hat or wig
Dance to a song while wearing only your underwear
Role-play a scenario and follow my directives
Eat an unpalatable food and give me detailed descriptions of the taste experience
Disclose a personal secret or an embarrassing detail about yourself
Perform a task that induces discomfort or mild pain
Venture into public settings to fulfill a humiliating task
Create a piece of art or written work that underscores your submission and devotion to me
These examples represent a fraction of the various tasks I assign to my submissives. Each task is entertaining and humbling.